2013 to the SEC Office and the SET on March 3, 2014. CGD failed to rotate an auditor, in the occurrence that the auditor has performed her duties on auditing or reviewing and expressed opinion on
certified financial statements. Therefore, the Securities and Exchange Commission requires that listed companies rotate their auditor every five accounting years. CG-ROSC Assessment recommends that
certified financial statements. Therefore, the Securities and Exchange Commission requires that listed companies rotate their auditor every five accounting years. CG-ROSC Assessment recommends that
, 2018, and September 30, 2018. 6 Market, dated November 20, 2018, both coming into effect January 1, 2019. The new regulations stipulate that listed firms shall rotate auditors who have performed their
services in local and overseas markets. W ith the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to hardware, such as clock devices to deliver bundled solution to clients together
revenue as we have recognized revenue of a big scale implementation job in Malaysia last year. With the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to hardware, such as clock
and overseas markets. With the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to complementary hardware, such as clock devices. TigerSoft also has a strong footing in providing HR
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caused by such differences. Clause 18 mutual funds and trusts shall rotate an auditor by complying with the rules prescribed in Paragraph 2, in the occurrence that the auditor has performed his/her duties
issuers shall explain at least the causes and key factors that make the difference, including the effect thereof. Clause 23 The listed company shall rotate an auditor by complying with the rules prescribed