Microsoft Word - form246-2_24 Nov 2020_PP Ordinary Shares)_PP 1 Report of the Acquisition or Disposition of Securities (Form 246-2) 1. The business’ name: T.KRUNGTHAI INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD
Bangkok, August 20, 2013 ?Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong appointed Sopavadee Lertmanuschai as a financial expert member of the SEC Board, in replacement of Benja Louichareon who resigned
Determination of List of Shareholders Entitled to Subscribe and be Allocated for the Newly Issued Ordinary (RD),and Postponement of Subscription Period 21/09/2020 19:38 Postponement of the 2020 AGM, Date for
1 24 August 2020 Subject : Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No.8/2020, Appointment of Directors in Replacement of Those who will Retire by Rotation, and Addition of
Bangkok, August 7, 2009 ? The SEC has announced the release of 109 newly issued capital market notifications as replacement for those repealed by the amendment to the securities law. All
treatment system; including operate clinical business which dialysis services for kidney patients who receive replacement therapy with dialysis by dialysis machinery (Dialysis Center) and distribution of
sector), in replacement of Mr. Apirak Kosayodhin. In appointing SET directors, the SEC selected qualified experts from the list nominated by the Nominating Committee, in accordance with the SEC?s
that has not covered the enforcement of investors’ rights as determined in the filing and prospectus. Other mechanisms equivalent can be used in replacement. For example, obligations or document with
receiving replacement therapy with dialysis by dialysis machinery (Dialysis Center) and distribution of medical tools and equipment. . Overview of operating results in the Quarter /. Overall global economy
ordinary shares of IGEN Engineering Company Limited (“IGE”) from Electric Solutions (S) PTE. LTD. Company Limited (“ES”) is the amount of 378,000 shares which equal to 14 % of the total paid-up shares of IGE