661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL004/07/2018 31st July 2018 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Acquisition of PET Recycling Business in France Indorama Ventures Public
Americas and North Americas 18/02/2022 17:40 Invest in Recycling Businesses in the Czech Republic 10/01/2022 17:16 Interest to invest in Packaging Businesses in Vietnam (revised) 10/01/2022 12:31 Interest to
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL004/01/2019 16th January 2019 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Report on the Completion of the Acquisition of PET Recycling Assets in USA
innovative products that meet the needs of our customers, making great products for society. 29,056* Total Employees 24.26% Female Sites 147+ 6 Continents 20 27 Recycling R&D facilities centers 35 Countries
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL001/03/2020 9th March 2020 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Formation of a 70:30 Recycling Joint Venture with Coca-Cola Philippines
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL000/12/2019 4th December 2019 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Acquisition of PET Recycling Facility in USA Indorama Ventures Public
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL004/12/2018 24th December 2018 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Acquisition of PET Recycling Assets in USA Indorama Ventures Public Company
landfill, increase the private companies’ plastic recycling through the recycle/upcycle process, and therefore improve a circular economy. The “Send Plastic Home” project was initiated with the support
Group B.V. เมื่อวนัท่ี 30 กรกฎาคม 2561 เพื่อเข้าซือ้หุ้นในอตัราร้อยละ 100 ของบริษัท Sorepla Technologie S.A. และบริษัท ยอ่ย Société de Recyclage de Matières Plastiques (Sorepla Industrie) S.A. ในประเทศ
innovative products that meet the needs of our customers, making great products for society. 29,056* Total Employees 24.26% Female Sites 147+ 6 Continents 20 27 Recycling R&D facilities centers 35 Countries