Bangkok, October 17, 2013 ? The SEC extended the submission date of the special audit report of Millcon Steel Plc. (MILL) until no later than October 31, 2013. Earlier, the SEC had ordered MILL to arrange a special audit concerning transactions with MILL?s business alliances which may be considered as related parties and shares dilution in Million Miles Co., Ltd., formerly a subsidiary of MILL; as well as submit the special audit report to the SEC by October 7, 2013. Mill later requested the SEC...
Bangkok, 10 February 2017 ? The SEC has extended the deadline for submitting the special audit report of K.C. Property Public Company Limited (KC) to 8 March 2017.Earlier, the SEC ordered KC to have a special audit on the internal control system concerning the issuance of bills of exchanges, the related receipt and payment transactions, and the accounting records practice. The company was also required to examine the issue raised by the auditor whether the questionable transactions of land sales...
Bangkok, September 8, 2008 ? The SEC has extended until October 15, 2008 its hearing on the draft regulations to be introduced to enable establishment and management of infrastructure funds in the Thai capital market. SEC Senior Assistant Secretary-General Pravej Ongartsittigul said: ?The public has shown a strong interest in the concept of infrastructure fund. Extending the hearing period will allow all interested parties more time to review and provide their comments extensively on this n...
Bangkok, November 5, 2009 ? The Criminal Court today ordered a second extension of asset freeze on the 12 alleged offenders in the fraud and embezzlement case involving Picnic Corporation Plc. (PICNIC) for 120 days, starting from November 8, 2009. The alleged offenders are Suriya Lapvisuthisin, Suthep Akkawuthikrai, Phanuwat Lertviset, Sasithorn Wuthiruengsakul, Asset Million Co., Ltd. (AMC), Wandee Tocharoen, Lakhana Sawaengha (Muehlestein), Silom Planner Co., Ltd. (Silom), Sonthaya Noicha...
Bangkok, November 5, 2009 ? The Criminal Court today ordered a second extension of asset freeze on the 12 alleged offenders in the fraud and embezzlement case involving Picnic Corporation Plc. (PICNIC) for 120 days, starting from November 8, 2009. The alleged offenders are Suriya Lapvisuthisin, Suthep Akkawuthikrai, Phanuwat Lertviset, Sasithorn Wuthiruengsakul, Asset Million Co., Ltd. (AMC), Wandee Tocharoen, Lakhana Sawaengha (Muehlestein), Silom Planner Co., Ltd. (Silom), Sonthaya Noicha...
Bangkok, November 5, 2009 ? The Criminal Court today ordered a second extension of asset freeze on the 12 alleged offenders in the fraud and embezzlement case involving Picnic Corporation Plc. (PICNIC) for 120 days, starting from November 8, 2009. The alleged offenders are Suriya Lapvisuthisin, Suthep Akkawuthikrai, Phanuwat Lertviset, Sasithorn Wuthiruengsakul, Asset Million Co., Ltd. (AMC), Wandee Tocharoen, Lakhana Sawaengha (Muehlestein), Silom Planner Co., Ltd. (Silom), Sonthaya Noicha...
Bangkok, June 15, 2012 ? The SEC granted Singha Paratech Plc. (SINGHA)?s request for an extension of due date to submit its rectified 2010 financial statements from June 1, 2012 to July 2, 2012. Earlier, the SEC notified SINGHA to rectify its 2010 financial statements (submitted to the SEC on February 27, 2012) due to limitation of audit scope by the company?s management causing the auditor to obtain insufficient evidences concerning purchasing of machinery and other items as well as non-compli...
Bangkok, 8 December 2017 ? The SEC has granted Pace Development Corporation Plc. (PACE) the request for postponing the submission of the clarification regarding the assumptions used in the fair value measurement of its investment in Pace Project One Co., Ltd. (Pace One) and Pace Project Three Co., Ltd. (Pace Three). The deadline is extended to 15 January 2018.Earlier, the SEC instructed PACE to clarify the reasonableness of the assumptions used in the fair value measurement and to disclose the a...
Bangkok, January 22, 2007 ? The SEC previously ordered Abico Holdings Plc. (ABICO) to rectify its consolidated financial statements for the year 2005 and the second quarter of 2006, have a special audit on the relationship between the ABICO group and the two companies, and then submit the revised financial statements and the special audit report to the SEC by January 3, 2007.Consequently, ABICO requested the SEC for deadline extension to October 31, 2007 explaining its workload during the closin...
SEC Secretary-General Pornanong Budsaratragoon said: “The SEC emphasizes the importance of greater investments with sustainability impact for which responsible capital markets are best placed to provide. Capital market plays a significant role in the economy and is one of the key drivers of sustainable growth in Thailand. To further support sustainable investment, we have extended the fee exemption period for the applications for approval of the establishment and modification of SRI Funds, submi...