The SEC has opined that organizing a shareholders meeting to elect new directors in order for IFEC’s board of directors to have a quorum in compliance with the law would be a proper way for IFEC to urgently solve its problems, such as loan defaults and failure to prepare an submit financial statements to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to avoid a possible delisting from the SET and mitigate impact on investors and shareholders. Since the Commerce Ministry’s Department of Business...
Act or Omission to Act Which is Likely to Frustrate Tender Offer of Business (No. 2)
Act or Omission to Act Which is Likely to Affect Tender Offer of Business
Act or Omission to Act Which is Likely to Affect Tender Offer of Business
have that attention, progress can likely be made. The situation can vary both at the company and with the shareowner. If both sides navigate with care, then engagement can be fruitful. Shareholder votes
Alist Private Company Limited Alist Private Company Limited was liable for its failure to prepare and submit the default report of bills and debentures, incident which affects or is likely to affect
Recently, the SEC has been notified that some private sector entities have used the SEC’s response letters as references for other persons in various transactions, possibly providing information that
of other persons by using material non-public information concerning the result of the last negotiation that SOLAR and Wuxi Suntech Power Company Limited were likely to win the bid for 3,200 million
likely to affect the rights and interests of securities holders or the decision-making on investment or the change in the securities price of the company within the period specified by the notification of
misleading information in such a manner that was likely to have an effect on the price of share of GL or the decision making on the investment of share of GL . This case is in the process of inquiry by the