singular family-firm corporate governance framework possible? - ‘One-size-fits-all’ or differentiation? • Defining the ‘familiness’ concept. - Iravaa and Moores (2010, p.1) - “idiosyncratic firm-level bundle
champions of the investment world can lend invaluable support to these transformative sustainability agendas whose aims encompass inclusivity, equity and transparency. An important step in that direction was
country. By investing responsibly in line with the BCG and other policy frameworks, domestic champions of the investment world can lend invaluable support to these transformative sustainability agendas
the country. By investing responsibly in line with the BCG and other policy frameworks, domestic champions of the investment world can lend invaluable support to these transformative sustainability
found the participation in the committee invaluable. It opens further opportunities for the SEC to contribute to the development of investor education globally, as well as to utilize the experiences of
depositary receipts, into a singular holding to accurately present aggregate economic interest in the referenced company. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee returns or eliminate
Chief Executive Officer. During the past year, Mr. Leung has been invaluable in bringing about the integration of Offline-to-Online (“O2O”) Solutions and driving VGI’s development. Going forward under Mr
link between 3 CSR measures and firm value since this relationship tends to be impacted by other intervening or immeasurable factors (e.g., Galbreath and Shum, 2012; Griffin and Mahon, 1997; Margolis and
participation has opened up invaluable opportunities for the SEC to keep abreast of the developments in international financial reporting standards and to prepare the stakeholders accordingly. Our staff are also
assistance from the Asian Development Bank as well as invaluable inputs from the Group of Experts (GOE) who were prominent experts in regional capital markets, namely (1) Mr. Jose Isidro Camacho, Vice Chairman