amendment will involve revision of certain outdated provisions on the prohibited characteristics of personnel in the securities and derivatives businesses that have been in use since 2005 as well as those of
such, impractical and outdated regulations will be revised to support underwriters? performance with trustworthiness and responsibility to investors, which will eventually build up their own credibility
activities, resulting in a repeal of a number of notifications previously issued by the SEC. As replacement, 109 new notifications are issued, adopting the governing notifications of which outdated provisions
changing and our CRA regulations are becoming outdated. This supervisory amendment will enhance CRA credibility, conflicts-of-interest management, and information disclosure and safekeeping. This would help
regulations. Whereas the laws or regulations that are no longer necessary or outdated, or become obstacles to public livelihood or occupation will be repealed or revised to eliminate burden on people and
defective operation was caused by (1) its insufficient process of issuer credit review and (2) its outdated list of approved securities for investment. Such inadequate operation was against the operational
Industry (Laos) Co., Ltd. of 50.10MB was included in year 2016. The company sustained steady progress in its make-over strategy into renewable Energy by acquiring another 30MW of solar farms in Thailand in
for milk and yogurt and consumer was in steady state. 2. The consolidated gross profit margin was 13.48%, decreased from the same period of last year at 15.43% due to increase in plastic resin cost
respectively. The Company has steady income from the business with the main transactions from the transmission tower and cable network installation for TRUE and CAT for instance. Maintenance and Service Business
a steady growth of FTTx subscribers. 2. TFRS 16 Leases As a result of the effectiveness of the TFRS 16 Leases in 2020, it is required that the lease liabilities and the right-of-use assets for the