represent non-managed investment portfolios. If derivatives are employed, note that investing in derivative instruments involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with
, investments and other related and supporting expenditures such as R&D that may relate to more than one category and/or environmental objective. Three environmental objectives identified above (pollution
intensively managed and meet all the following criteria at planting and stand maturity: one or two species, even age class and regular spacing10 Land acquisition for purpose of establishing or expanding forest
resembles - in terms of species composition, structure, and ecological function - one that is or would be found in a given area in the absence of major human impacts. This includes human-managed ecosystems
water services are the leading consideration in the asset management or use of proceeds. Examples include forests and wetlands being managed to filter water, aquifers that store water for drinking or for
▪ Eligible green projects (indicative) under ASEAN GBS: • (i) Renewable energy; • (ii) Energy efficiency; • (iii) Pollution prevention and control; • (iv) Environmentally sustainable management of living
Board is satisfied the bond conforms with the Climate Bonds Standard. Climate Bond: A climate bond is a bond used to finance – or refinance - projects needed to address climate change. They range from
accordance with the law and producer guidelines - and not by children or pregnant women. Potential impacts on local communities of chemical run-off and spraying are assessed and managed. Pest management An
The COVID-19 crisis has an impact on waste increase in Thailand. From the report of the Pollution Control Department (PCD), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, it recently found that
Sustainable Finance v List of Metrics Abbreviations GgCO2e or GgCO2eq Greenhouse gases in carbon dioxide equivalent MtCO2e/year Gross emission calculated as metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted per