COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 4 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 16/08/2021 09:07 Appointed the Managing Director and CFO , Connecting Transaction and inform about the interim dividend
mobilization, corporate monitoring and accounting supervision. Prior to joining the SEC in 1992, she was an analyst at the Bank of Thailand.The SEC's new line of commands effective from 11 February 2019 is
.Tipsuda Thavaramara graduated with a Bachelor degree in Mathematics from Harvard University, USA, and a Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA. Joining
From July to September 2023, business operators showed interest in joining the project and submitted activity reports on the promotion of financial knowledge, understanding, and skill development
SEC also received high recognition among regional members as chairman of the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee (IOSCO APRC) during 2005-2008. Currently, the IOSCO has 200 member countries. ?Upon joining
expenses. Children joining activities at the SEC booth received a set of storybooks about saving and financial disciplines for children and adolescents. The book set consisted of two children’s books and a
With reference to the recent occurrence, a foreign private digital wallet service provider has solicited investors in Thailand via social media to trade digital assets by linking investor trading
Management Companies (AIMC) that ?The SEC urges the associations? members to make a declaration of intent against corruption by joining the Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption Council (CAC). The CAC
capital market and the digital economy at large. “We would like to sincerely thank all TDO members for joining this transformative occasion to strengthen our cooperation and proactive teamwork to further
government as national strategic significance connecting South Asia and South East Asia regions. The SEC and SET will join forces in collaboration between the Thai capital market and Kunming City with a view