) Investors, and (5) Filing of Reports and Applications. There are also shortcuts to frequently searched information. In addition, the new website improves the public hearing channel by offering easier access
time because most of the license entities still use the same method taking about 5 to 7 days until the clients could start their investment, this results in a burden for the accessibility to the
opportunity for investors to select products and services suitable for their personal needs. The SEC is therefore proposing the use of single form to reduce the burdens on investors and intermediaries
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opportunities for established and potential business operators to maximize the use of FinTech in developing financial and investment services with less legal limitations and more efficient information access.SEC
Essentially, the new rules allow securities brokers and derivatives agents to provide two types of trading services of capital market products that respond to investors’ demands more efficiently
business providers must also have adequate personnel with the understanding in the basic operating principle, the risks of such an algorithm and the responsibility of using technology and use it to manage
obligation is performed by trust managers. However, trusts are listed securities on the Stock Exchange of Thailand; SEC therefore requires them to disclose information in the same way as securities issuing
The BOT and the SEC previously discussed and reviewed the benefits and risks of digital assets and deemed it necessary to regulate and control the use of digital assets as a means of payment for