mitigation Construction and operation of electricity generation facilities that produce electricity, heating and cooling from Solar Photovoltaic, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) or any other types of solar
EBITDA/t (US$/t)) 122 107 91 34% 105 86 22% Net Operating Debt to Equity 0.57 0.84 0.91 (37)% 0.57 0.91 (37)% Note: (1) Consolidated financials are based upon elimination of intra-company (or intra
to owners of the parent of THB 4,393 million (+14% YoY), or earning per shares of 3.19 THB. For Q3/2017, the company and its subsidiaries recorded revenue from sales of goods and rendering of services
Sustainable Finance v List of Metrics Abbreviations GgCO2e or GgCO2eq Greenhouse gases in carbon dioxide equivalent MtCO2e/year Gross emission calculated as metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emitted per