decision-making.The above transactions are classified as high value acquisition and disposal of assets required the shareholders? meeting approval with the vote of at least three fourths of the shareholders
Bangkok, 9 February 2017 ? The SEC advises the shareholders of Inter Far East Energy Corporation (IFEC) to attend the 2nd extraordinary shareholders? meeting No. 2/2560 to exercise their voting right regarding director appointments to remove legal restrictions and allow the company to resume business.The critical issues to be considered at the meeting are crutial to the company's ability to resume normal business operation; primarily the meeting will consider the appointment of additional direct...
NBC will hold the AGM 2020 to seek approval for the acquisition of “Komchadluek” trademark from NMG at the amount of 69.9 million baht and the acquisition of assets and business under the “Komchadluek” trademark from Komchadluek Media at the amount of 100,000 baht, resulting in the total acquisition value of 70 million baht. NBC’s Board of Directors and the Audit Committee view that the entry into the acquisition of business and the trademark of Komchadluek is appropriate and beneficial fo...
On 24 July 2020, NEWS will hold an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to seek the shareholders’ approval for the acquisition of ordinary shares of Wealth Ventures, which operates Mercure Hotel Bangkok Makkasan, at an amount not exceeding 40 percent of the total paid-up shares, worth not exceeding 421.55 million baht, and the right to claim in the loan of Wealth Ventures at the value not exceeding 138.45 million baht. The total value of both transactions does not exceed 560 million baht. NEWS pl...
percent of the votes and another with 20 percent. Five direc- tors need to be elected. without a cumulative voting rule, each shareholder must vote separately for each director. the majority shareholder
corporation on a timely and regular basis; 4) participate and vote in general shareholder meetings; 5) elect and remove members of the board; and 6) share in the profits of the corporation. B. Shareholders
meeting with not less than three- quarters (3/4) of all votes of the shareholders attending and having the right to vote at the meeting. Such issuance of shares for debt repayment and the debt to equity
approved by the shareholders meeting with not less than three- quarters (3/4) of all votes of the shareholders attending and having the right to vote at the meeting. Such issuance of shares for debt
. Hiroaki Sano 2. Mr. Narongsak Jivakanun 3. Mr. Tadashi Hiraoka 4. Mr. Yoshihisa Horibe 4 The Board will propose the shareholders’ meeting to re-elect all 4 retiring directors for another term due to their
interest of all shareholders. This may include cumulative voting or the possibility for non-controlling shareholders to directly elect some members of the board. Where cumulative voting has been selected as