given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units, services or the operation of fund management, or service of
enables the public to understand the meanings, through any media or objects. This does not include the information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts
media or objects. This does not include the information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units
prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units, services or the operation of fund management, or service of brokerage, dealing or
information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units, services or the operation of fund management, or
media or objects. This does not include the information which is given in the prospectus or which is aimed to be educational or to provide facts without the intention to promote sales of investment units
operating results that posted a difference greater than 20% from the preceding year To: Director and Manager the Stocks Exchange of Thailand According to the Board of Directors’ Meeting of World Corporation
to the difference between the price or value of goods or variable specified in the contract and the price or value of such goods or variable prevailing at a given time or period of time in the future
equivalent to the difference between the price or value of goods or variable specified in the contract and the price or value of such goods or variable prevailing at a given time or period of time in the
Statement for Thai-incorporated Company to offer for sale of securities in Thailand and ASEAN member country simultaneously or in proximate period (ชือ่บรษัิททีเ่สนอขายหลักทรัพย)์ (Commercial Name of the