Type of securities : Common share | Effective Date : 13/12/2021 | Close Selling Date : 17/12/2021
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “The SEC has the duty to supervise and develop the Thai capital market. One of our key responsibilities is to help increase businesses’ access to funding through capital market’s fundraising mechanisms and tools. To support liquidity of businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic who wish to raise fund using REIT buy-back, the SEC has considered exempting fees for application and filing submitted during February 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023. W...
increased from the last year 0.99 Million Baht or 46.40% because the cost of sale promotion increases from distribution of organic 620/5 หมู่ 11 ต.หนองขาม อ.ศรีราชา จ.ชลบุรี 20230 โทรศพัท ์038 480 020-1
benefit from Spindletop integration synergies and organic growth potential Olympus cost program to start contributing to the bottom line Operating rates and inventory days to be balanced to optimize
termination of a contract with high revenue in mid-2017. Notwithstanding the lost, the impact on the gross margin is not significant as this contract has low margin. Cost and Gross margin Cost of sales and
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Solutions grew by THB 35.31 million or 13.43% from the recognition of license income and implementation fee from projects in Thailand and Malaysia, as well as, organic growth in recurring outsourcing income
same period last year by 1.51 Million Baht or 46.61%. The primary cause is the cost of merchandise display and costs in the booth, according to various event to make the Day Break Brand’s shoes & bags
effectively. Consequently, we recorded Bt5,251mn in revenue, growing 26% YoY. Soften EBITDA from cost pressure AIS EBITDA in FY22 was Bt89,731mn, dropped -1.8%YoY mostly from a surging electricity price and
1: Overall Financial Performance Unit: million baht Jan-Mar 2019 % Jan-Mar 2020 % Change % YoY Revenue 132.54 100.0% 179.21 100.0% 46.67 35.2% Cost (73.41) (55.4%) (93.71) (52.3%) (20.30) 27.7% Gross