. Disclose whether an issuer is directly or indirectly controlled by another entity or natural person, as well as the nature of such control. To the extent known to the issuer, indicate whether the issuer is
beneficiaries, and any issues of intergenerational fairness between them as well as where the ultimate risk-bearing lies within the institutional investor. The ICGN has summarised the key obligations of
person, as well as the nature of such control. To the extent known to the issuer, indicate whether the issuer is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another corporation, by any foreign government
entity or natural person, as well as the nature of such control. To the extent known to the issuer, indicate whether the issuer is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another corporation, by any
. The Principles are the ICGN’s primary standard for well governed companies and set the framework for a global work programme focused around influencing public policy, informing governance dialogue and
be made public. If the exact dates are not known when the prospectus is first filed or distributed to the public, describe arrangements for announcing the final or definitive date or period. 2. Method
as oil, gold, or coffee. Consolidation approach: The identification of companies, businesses, organizations etc. for inclusion within the reporting boundary of the responding organization is known as
regulatory bodies and institutional investors to launch the I Code and invited investors to endorse it as a guideline for responsible investment management whereby environmental and social interest as well as
or shortened and the duration of possible extensions, as well as how this information will be made public. 4. In case the exact dates of the offering period are not known, disclose the arrangements for
, practitioners and experts on corporate governance in the region, as well as from OECD countries and relevant international institutions. Participants exchange experiences and push forward the reform agenda on