This is in response to a widely spread rumor in some brokers? dealing rooms in Bangkok and other provinces that, today, the 10% collateral requirement for cash account will be abolished. Mr. Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala, SEC Secretary-General stated that ?The 10% collateral requirement for cash account remains unchanged and, presently, the SEC has no plan to make any review in this matter.?
Bangkok, January 30, 2014 ? The SEC affirmed the instruction for Bee Taechaubol to promptly rectify the tender offer for Electronics Industry Plc. (EIC)?s shares as specified by the tender offer rules. Bee was earlier found purchasing EIC shares through the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) at a price higher than the tender offer price. His action resulted in a violation of the tender offer rules, regardless of the fact that he sold the entire purchased amount already.Following the SEC?s instruc...
Bangkok, September 26, 2011 ? Following last week trading, the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Thailand Futures Exchange Plc. (TFEX) today sharply plunged in the same direction as global markets while prices of gold and silver also tumbled.?Today, Thai stock indices and prices of gold and silver drastically dropped amid global markets? volatility. The SEC has closely monitored the situation and assure that all respective systems and capital market service providers, including Thailand Secu...
Palotaitakerng, AFTC Secretary-General said that ?The AFTC and SEC have, in fact, been in collaboration for several aspects. The official MoU signing today confirms the two authorities? determination and unity to
’ right to receive dividend due to the Company confirms to omit the dividend payment. In addition, the Company confirms to remain the agenda meeting stated on the previous schedule except one agenda of
environment and community. This has led the Company to be trusted and accepted internationally. The Company re-affirms that we will strive to operate our business in the best interest of our stakeholders, in a
the ESOP warrants because there had been changes to the Board of Directors. 5. That the TRIS Rating for the year 2018, be acknowledged. TRIS Rating affirms the company rating of the Company at “A-”. At
today affirms integrated collaboration of the institutional investors which will bring about even more solid self and market disciplines to drive capital market industry. For retail investors, the SEC
stood at 1.20 times while interest bearing debt to equity ratio was 1.00 times. Looking forward The Company’s performance in Q3/2018 confirms that the performance is still in line with the Company’s
to the expiry date of the agreement. The Company confirms that it has capacity in relation to its interest cover covenant and that it complies with key terms on its Credit Facilities Agreement