improvement in the Thai capital market.Among all companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Market for Alternative Investment (mai), 475 or 90 percent of them participated in the assessment
the date on which the names of shareholders entitled to subscribe for the newly issued preferred shares in proportion to their shareholdings are determined (Record Date), i.e. on January 26, 2018, and
have been neither filed for approval nor existed on the list of SEC-approved digital assets. Therefore, investors are advised to be careful when receiving information or solicitation to invest in such
(IA) business undertakings. In this regard, Thai business operators have to inform the SEC of the names of such foreign personnel in advance and determine the term for their provision of advisory
, switching and transferring investment units and signed two clients? names. In case of the first client, Thanjira signed the client?s signature to request a change of the client?s contact information to her
total reported cases, have already been closed. The remaining instances are either newly reported or currently in the process of being addressed. For the reports of investment scams through social
companies and their affiliates, both in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Market for Alternative Investment (MAI) Ms. Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol, SEC Secretary-General said, “One of the SEC’s key
SEC Search Search คุณอยู่ที่ : หน้าแรก > Search > Search Results search: OR "Sure! Here are some Thai stock names along with their English synonyms
institu- tional investors Institutional investors are an increasingly diverse group of investors. While some invest on their own account such as pension funds and insurance companies others are asset
Member Consultant Corporate Governance Center, Stock Exchange of Thailand 4. Mr. Charnchai Charuvastr Member President, Thai