robot trading are related terms that are often used interchangeably. • High frequency trading (HFT): a subset of algorithmic trading where orders are submitted by low-latency and sophisticated technology
regulatory concern, both global & national level Responding to climate change focus Growing institutional and retail investors interest Shifting consumer preferences and embedding in business increasing global
, respectively. Private investment slowed to 2.8 percent from 4.1 percent in 2018 while manufacturing production declined 3.7 percent, in line with a low capacity utilization rate of 66.3 percent, below the five
the same period of last year and a decrease of 5.28% over the last quarter . Such decrease was mainly due to dropping in metal price and low level of production and sales. 2. Cost of sales was 384.25
the same period of last year and a decrease of 30.49% over the last quarter . Such decrease was mainly due to dropping in metal price and low level of production and sales caused from the COVID-19 out
หรือเทียบเคียงกันไดก้ับ ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจปจัจบุันเพื่อคงไว้ซ่ึงมำตรฐำนกำรคุ้มครองผู้ลงทนุ และเพื่อใหผู้้ประกอบธุรกิจทุกรำยอยู่ใน level-playing field เดียวกนั ส ำนักงำนขอเรียนว่ำ independent investment
average fuel prices are likely to be higher than the level seen in the previous year. This trend may affect monetary policy maneuvering of central banks around the globe. The Federal Reserve is expected to
problem of purchasing power and incomes which have not yet recovered. Furthermore the liability stayed in high level and this was slightly speeded up the consumption. Therefore, it affected the expense
crypto traders (particularly high-risk individuals) take more risk after losses (particularly during downturn) Thai crypto (low-risk) individuals take more risk after paper losses, and less risk after
maintained their growth momentum; their central banks pursued continually accommodative monetary policy through asset purchase programs and keeping policy interest rates low. Over the final quarter of 2017 and