founders and major shareholders were all in favor of disposing QI to Continental. This transaction is at arms’ length and after the close, Continental will not have any claims against the Company. Please be
addition, the auditor was not satisfied using other auditing methods on the value of the said assets. The SEC, therefore, has directed PRO to rectify its financial statement, submit the rectified version
arms’ length and after the close, Continental will not have any claims against the Company. This disposal of asset transaction is not considered as material transaction, as the highest value of
the 25.10% ordinary shares which are expected to be transferred to the Company within the second quarter of 2017, when all the conditions precedent specified in the Agreements have been satisfied or
Agreements have been satisfied or waived. The conversion of the loan is subject to the equity value of SGAH calculated from SGAH’s future financial performance. The synthetic convertible loan has been
recognized by the SEC and have been listed on the main boards of such exchanges at least for one year, they will be deemed to have been satisfied the criteria comparable to those of the SEC. The revision aims
satisfied and the parties have fully complied with the conditions in the share purchase agreement. Aforementioned purchases were made prior to the dissemination of such inside information by Siam Commercial
Royal Joint Venture Company Limited, which sells arms, aircraft, warships, including spare parts Radar and signaling devices of said items to government agencies, juristic persons and individuals. The
Forth Royal Joint Venture Company Limited, which sells arms, aircraft, warships, including spare parts Radar and signaling devices of said items to government agencies, juristic persons and individuals
business operators are able to provide services with these five elements, people should be satisfied with long-term financial planning for healthy financial status.”SEC Secretary-General, Rapee