addition, the auditor was not satisfied using other auditing methods on the value of the said assets. The SEC, therefore, has directed PRO to rectify its financial statement, submit the rectified version
recognized by the SEC and have been listed on the main boards of such exchanges at least for one year, they will be deemed to have been satisfied the criteria comparable to those of the SEC. The revision aims
satisfied and the parties have fully complied with the conditions in the share purchase agreement. Aforementioned purchases were made prior to the dissemination of such inside information by Siam Commercial
business operators are able to provide services with these five elements, people should be satisfied with long-term financial planning for healthy financial status.”SEC Secretary-General, Rapee
in monitoring listed companies.? LCA President Prasert Boonsampan said: ?We are quite satisfied with the overall results. We will continue our support to the program and ask successful performers
shareholders will become more involved in monitoring listed companies.? LCA President Prasert Boonsampan said: ?We are quite satisfied with the overall results. We will continue our support to the program
protection are satisfied;3. Investment limits: To ensure greater level of investment diversification in accordance with international standards, establishment of non-diversified funds shall no longer be
capital market in preventing and combating the cross-border securities violation.? ?To achieve satisfied assessment results in the FSAP, the SEC will explore ways to remove obstacles that may presently
satisfied over time, using input method, and no revised budget needed Consolidated Financial Statements Customer 20 100% Company A Company B Contract 10 MB cost 1 MB subcontract 8 MB cost 2 MB Assumption
Audit Committee has considered the transaction and has opinion that the transaction is necessary and reasonable because the return on their investment is not satisfied and technology is very important in