the shareholders? extraordinary meeting to seek clarifications from the company management before making a prudent decision. The aforesaid transactions must be approved by at least three fourths of the
affected the Company’s businesses. Excluding the non-recurring items and impact of TFRS16 applied, total revenue stood at THB 3,613 mn and net loss stood at THB 611 mn (for the first six months of 2020
affected the Company’s businesses. Excluding the non-recurring items and impact of TFRS16 applied, total revenue and net profit decreased by 60.7% and 123.5% respectively (for the first six months of 2020
non-recurring items, namely the insurance claim from the terrorism risk protection amounted THB 3,500 mn, the conversion of CPN Retail Growth Leasehold Property Fund (“CPNRF”) into CPN Retail Growth
Pattana”) in 1Q20 shows total revenue of THB 11,423 mn and net profit stood at THB 4,592 mn, mainly influenced by non-recurring items as well as revenue from residential business together with cost
process of preparing and updating private fund contracts is not prudent and concise, did not comply with the rules, conditions and procedures announced by the Capital Market Supervisory Board. SEC Act S
% YoY from the same period in the previous year (YoY). Excluding the non- recurring items and the performance of residential business, total revenue increased 8.9% YoY and net profit increased 12.3% YoY
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year, and from the provision of employee benefit for retirement, a non-recurring item classified under administrative expenses. Excluding the non-recurring items and the performance of residential
in building recurring revenue, with the recurring revenue from HR Solutions growing by 9.78mb or 11.7% and recurring revenue from Financial Solutions increasing by 2.22mb or 16.0% . However, the growth