of listed companies during the COVID-19 outbreak. Due to the possibility of unpredictable outcomes, accounting estimates for the preparation of financial statements can be quite a challenge. In this
amounting to Baht 67 million and Baht 4 million, respectively. The loss was increased by Baht 63 million. Due to the unpredictable spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Baht depreciation against US Dollar during
economic front and greater political issues. Therefore, 2020 will be the most difficult and unpredictable year for the Company. For MACO, we expect the Company’s performance to be negatively affected by the
on impacts from volatile international capital flows, which would have repercussions for foreign exchange movements and funding costs. The Thai economy in the second quarter of 2018 exhibited ongong
continue to be developed and adopted, tail-end risk remains unpredictable and potentially undiscovered. This may cause incorrect decisions that finally result in losses. The adoption of innovative
base. However, close attention should be paid to the government’s budget disbursements and global financial markets which may, from time to time, become somewhat volatile. On the inflation front
activity, thus dampening Thai economic growth during the second half of the year. Other challenges included volatile foreign exchange movement and international capital flows as well as the rapid evolution
ช่วงวัย ที มา : https://josesotoprado.substack.com/p/invest-like-the-best 5 https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https:/bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518
probed into Wiroj case and found that he failed to inform the rules of volatile stock such as stock's risk and settlement duties to the client before submission of purchase order. As a result, the client
and found that he failed to inform the rules of volatile stock such as stock's risk and settlement duties to the client before submission of purchase order. As a result, the client had to settle the