number of directors in order to move ahead with solving its problems which include indebtedness and inability to submit the company’s financial statements and appoint the auditor. IFEC’s future business
who have to postpone their annual general shareholders’ meeting – and are subsequently unable to appoint an auditor – due to the spread of the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19). In this regard, CMSB
One of the SEC objectives is to support investors to develop a robust financial health, using the capital market to accumulate wealth in response to their needs. As such, to expand investment choices
The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC) appointed the ?Securities Analyst Consultative Committee? comprising representatives of securities analysts and market players. The committee
IOSCO Annual Meeting, 27 May 2024 Prof. Pornanong Budsaratragoon, Ph.D., Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC Thailand), has been appointed as Additional Asia
Earlier on 17 April 2018, the SEC filed a criminal complaint against five former POLAR directors, namely, (1) Mr. Yannakorn Warakunrak, (2) Mr. Poonsak Chumchuay, (3) Mr. Asa Ninnad, (4) Mr. Thakorn Taweesri and (5) Mr. Danuj Bunnag. As a result, they were deemed to have untrustworthy characteristics to become company directors or executives and were banned from serving as directors or executives of listed companies in Thailand for the duration of the legal proceedings. Meanwhile, the man...
The “Aom No. 5” campaign’s main objective is to expand investor base, particularly those of working age, encouraging them to be prepared for the future and have saving discipline through dollar cost
Bangkok, August 8, 2008 ? The SEC Board in its meeting No.8/2008 held on July 31 resolved to appoint three persons to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Board of Governors, as follows: - Mr
Bangkok, June 8, 2012 ? In the meeting no.6/2012 on June 7, 2012, the SEC Board resolved to appoint three governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to replace those whose term ended. The SEC
Bangkok, August 4, 2011 ? In the meeting no. 8/2011 on August 4, the SEC Board resolved to appoint two governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) to replace those whose term has ended. The