Thai Private Fund Representatives นิติบุคคลผู้ได้รับการแต่งตั้งเป็นตัวแทนด้านการตลาดกองทุนส่วนบุคคล × Home
Bangkok, February 25, 2014 ? The SEC Board approved private equity (PE) structured as trust or ?PE trust? to promote PE development, increase more fund raising channels for businesses and encourage
suitable sources for new businesses with high growth potential is private equity (PE),? said SEC Secretary-General Vorapol Socatiyanurak at today?s seminar on ?Private Equity: Business Alliances for Business
Bangkok, January 3, 2007 ? The SEC is conducting a public hearing on the regulations governing the establishment of private funds of high net worth investors, which will allow investment
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The SEC has reviewed the regulations related to private fund management services to be aligned with international standards and be suitable for the current service models where some asset management
Bangkok, June 12, 2009 ? The SEC Board Meeting No. 8/2009 today approved revision of rules governing private fund management business to reduce operating costs and increase flexibility for business
Bangkok, February 11, 2010 ? The SEC Board today approved in principle investment in foreign exchange derivatives or structured notes for investment purpose by mutual funds and retail private funds1
To enhance flexibility and accountability of asset management companies in undertaking custodian business, the SEC approved draft revised rules on custodian of private fund. The revisions are as