SEC together with FETCO share a common view to enhance FETCO position to “The Capital Market Federation of Thailand” which would have legal status as a “juristic person” like other federations in the economic sector. Thus, FETCO will be able to bring more efficient cooperation with both public and private sectors. Under the proposed law, the structure of the Capital Market Federation of Thailand will be, among other things, as follows:(1) it will be a juristic person under the Securitie...
On 4 January 2024, MORE sent an invitation to the Extraordinary General Shareholder Meeting No. 1/2567 to the shareholders with the agenda concerning the consideration for approval of a registered capital increase of 1,076.51 million baht (from the existing 358.84 million baht to reach the new amount of 1,435.35 million baht) by issuing additional 21,530,245,323 shares at the price of 0.05 baht per share, to be allocated to the existing shareholders in proportion to their shareholding (right off...
SEC is holding a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the regulations governing REIT indirect investment. According to the current regulations relating to issuance and offer for sale regarding units of REIT, if indirect investment in real estate is made through shareholding of other companies, REIT must hold not less than 99% of the total sold shares and of the total voting shares in that company. This is to ensure that REIT receives full benefits from invested assets and that REI...
stakeholders, information and comments from which was used in drawing up a proposal for revision of oversight of auditors and audit firms in Thai capital market, TDRI offered a detailed proposal as follows: (1
20220808-advanc-mdna-2q2022-en 2Q22 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. 1 Executive Summary Fading Covid-19 concerns drove 2Q22 economic recovery and AIS performance 2Q22 showed a continuous recovery in
20220808-advanc-mdna-2q2022-th บริษทั แอดวานซ ์อินโฟร ์เซอรวิ์ส จ ากดั (มหาชน) ค าอธิบายบทวิเคราะหข์องฝ่ายบริหารประจ าไตรมาส 2/2565 ภาพรวมโดยสรปุ ความกงัวลท่ีลดลงของโควิด-19 เป็นปัจจยัขบัเคล่ือน
20221103-ADVANC-MDA-3Q22-EN Classification: Internal 3Q22 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. 1 Executive Summary 3Q22 Thai economy continued a slow recovery from rising inflation. Consumer purchasing
20221103-ADVANC-MDA-3Q22-TH บริษทั แอดวานซ ์อินโฟร ์เซอรวิ์ส จ ากดั (มหาชน) ค าอธิบายบทวิเคราะหข์องฝ่ายบริหารประจ าไตรมาส 3/2565 1 ภาพรวมโดยสรปุ ภาพรวมเศรษฐกิจไทยยงัคงฟ้ืนตวัช้าจากผลกระทบอตัราเงิน