เห็นควรกําหนดอัตราสวน benchmark + 5% เชนเดิม เน่ืองจากการ replicate อาจมีขอจํากัดเพราะอาจใชวิธีเลือกลงทุนในหุน ที่เปนตัวแทนการลงทุนในหุนทั้งหมดตาม benchmark (stratified sampling) เพื่อลดคาใชจาย
replicate its success in the integrated PET segment going forward. 3. Fibers This segment includes all our offerings in the mobility (automotive and tires) domain, the personal hygiene domain and lifestyle
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A CorpL4.1hig A Executive Summary of Management Discussion and Analysis 1 For the Year Ending December 31, 2019 Thai economy in 2019 showed decelerating growth at 2.4 percent compared to 4.2 percent in the previous year.The slowdown could be attributed to exports which contracted further due to the stronger Baht and a global economic slowdown. In addition, the investment environment of both the public and private sector remained weak, and private consumption, albeit gro...
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A WWCCoorrppLL44..11hhiigg A Executive Summary 1 Management Discussion and Analysis For the Year Ended December 31, 2017 In 2017, Thai economic growth gained traction, buoyed by strong recoveries in tourism and exports. This growth momentum is expected to carry on into 2018, especially amid a brighter outlook in public and private investment. Nonetheless, the business sector remained challenged by new modes of competition in a broader marketplace amid the advancing digi...
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A WCorpL4.1hig A Executive Summary of Management Discussion and Analysis 1 For the Year Ending December 31, 2018 In 2018, the overall Thai economy maintained its growth due largely to healthier growth of exports and tourism, especially in the first half of the year. Meanwhile, the government continued to implement measures to promote and strengthen the domestic economy through support of investment and private spending as well as bolstering opportunities for other econo...
of 33.5% year on year, reflecting intense competition in the industry. As Bake Cheese Tart (Thailand) Company Limited runs under franchise business, which has rigid restrictions from the franchisor in
remove obstacles as much as we can,? said Thirachai. ASCO Chairman Kampanart Lohacharoenvanich said: ?Securities firms are placing high importance on risk management in their business operation with rigid
องจากการก าหนดสัดส่วนการฝากเงินหรือ การลงทุนในตราสารแต่ละประเภท จะท าให้กฎเกณฑ์ ดังกล่าวมีความเข้มงวด (rigid) ขาดความยืดหยุ่น และ เกิดต้นทุนในการจัดการและการตรวจสอบ นอกจากนี้ ปริมาณเงินของลูกค้าที่ผู้
Stewardship Code (September 2012) Comply or Explain 1. As with the UK Corporate Governance Code, the UK Stewardship Code should be applied on a “comply or explain” basis. 2. The Code is not a rigid set of rules
reverting back to a state of rigid supplies as oppose to the previous year’s state of excess market supply. The average spread between the Dated Brent and Dubai price in Q1/2018 increased by 0.91 $/BBL when